Denzil McDaniel, writer, commentator and former editor of "The Impartial Reporter", gives a talk and tour round our current exhibition, "Years of Chaos & Hope".
Denzil will provide a perspective on the period and insights into the themes covered:
"The years 1922 and 1972 are significant bookmarks in the history of Ireland. They reflect two periods when division appears to be especially binary between the two traditional communities. I will talk about the context of those divisions and recall some of the circumstances in Fermanagh in both years, particularly 1972. But I will also examine the idea that there is greater nuance and complexity in our identities in these and other periods. I will contrast the circumstances of those two periods 50 years apart and discuss some of the changes that have taken place over the last 50 years in a very different Ireland of the 21st century." (Denzil McDaniel)