Get hands on with the hive and learn what it takes to keep bees sweet. This practical course will be an introduction to the basic techniques and skills that every aspiring apiarist needs. Learn from master beekeeper Aidan Brady at our Geopark Hives in Ballyconnell. Mind your manners in case you meet the queen!
Bee suits will be provided.
Please wear sturdy footwear and warm waterproof clothing but also factor in sunny weather.
If you notice you or anyone in your group experiencing any potential Covid-19 symptoms, then please do not attend events.
Sunday 14 August 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Ballyconnell Recycling Centre - see our Geopark Hives!
Price: €5.50 per person
Suitability: Over 18's please
Booking essential via https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/practical-guide-to-beekeeping-tickets-365674982717