The Brethren in Fintona District LOL No. 8 will welcome their counterparts from Strabane, Sixmilecross, Omagh, Newtownstewart and Killen districts for a very family orientated Twelfth of July in Dromore, Co. Tyrone.
The 50 lodges will be joined on parade by two local lodges from the Association of Loyal Orangewomen of Ireland and junior lodges. They will be accompanied by approximately 40 bands, including a range of pipe, accordion and flute.
The parade, which is approximately two miles, will move off from the Assembly Field on the Omagh Road at 12.30pm led by Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland and Distinguished Officers, County Officers, Ladies LOL No. 2 District County Tyrone, Omagh District LOL No. 11, Newtownstewart District LOL No. 9, Sixmilecross District LOL No. 7, Killen District LOL No. 12, Strabane District LOL No 14 and Fintona District LOL No. 8.
It will follow a route along Omagh Road, Main Street, Galbally Road to Demonstration Field at Trillick/Fintona Road junction.
The platform proceedings in the field will get underway at 2pm.
Special guests will include Worshipful Bro. Robert Abernethy, County Tyrone Grand Master, who will be the main speaker; Worshipful Bro. Norman Henry, County Donegal, Deputy Grand Lecturer, who will give the address, and Grand Lodge, County and District Officers.
The reading of the Resolutions will follow immediately after the service.
There will be plenty of food, refreshments and entertainment in the demonstration field, including a Drum Major Display and music. A bouncy castle and children's entertainment will also be available.
The return parade will leave the field at 4pm.