Come and see the glorious sights of the night sky at one of the darkest sky sites in Northern Ireland. Join well-known amateur astronomer Terry Moseley, of the Irish Astronomical Association on another Dark Sky Safari in the pristine dark skies of Cuilcagh Mountain Park. Well away from any artificial 'light pollution', see and learn about the best-known constellations, such as Orion the Mighty Hunter, Taurus the Bull, Gemini the Twins, and Ursa Major the Great Bear, containing the well-known Plough, and how to find the North Star. See our own galaxy, the glorious Milky Way, and some of its most fascinating highlights, such as the beautiful star cluster, the Pleiades or Seven Sisters; the Orion Nebula, where stars and planets are being born as we watch; the Red Supergiant Betelgeuse which is bigger that the orbit of the Earth round the Sun and which will one day end its life in a stupendous supernova explosion and beautiful double stars. Looking beyond the realms of the Milky Way, spot the giant Andromeda Galaxy, containing about 300 thousand million stars, and which is 2.5 million light years away – the most distant thing you can see with just your own eyes.You will have the opportunity to see Saturn through a telescope.
In the event of extremely cloudy weather, we will be able to explore the night sky with the assistance of a PowerPoint presentation
Suitable for all (Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.)
If you need to cancel, please contact us 24 hours in advance of the event time.