St Patricks Weekend Entertainment
Friday 15th March - Micky Cassidy
Saturday 16th March - Meadow Springs
Sunday 17th March
3.00p.m - 5.00pm Traditional Music Nugent Family
5.00p.m -7.00pm Vincy Walmsley
7.30p.m – 10.00pm Joe Moore followed By Disco
Irish Stew served All Weekend
St. Patrick's Weekend promises a delightful celebration with a fantastic entertainment lineup, featuring Micky Cassidy on Friday, Meadow Springs on Saturday, and a Sunday filled with traditional music by the Nugent Family, a performance by Vincy Walmsley, and the captivating tunes of Joe Moore followed by a lively disco. To complement the festive atmosphere, Irish Stew will be served throughout the entire weekend, adding a traditional culinary touch to the festivities.