Belcoo Sports & Festival promises to be a thrilling family event running from 10th – 19th August with loads of fun for all ages.
Saturday 10th August starts with a lovely ‘afternoon tea & cake sale’ from 1pm in the marquee, bring the children along for the kid’s tractor run and relax in the marquee with a cuppa while your little ones enjoy treats, arts & crafts.
Sunday 11th marks a new date in the diary for the annual ‘Walk/Jog/Run for Oisín’, it will start from Railway Street at 1pm. After a few days rest, Wednesday 14th the table quiz is in the marquee at 9pm. Come and test your knowledge in this ever-popular event.
The main day of the festival is the ever-popular Sports day on Thursday 15th August, it kicks off at 2pm with the Parade – All fancy dress, floats, vintage cars and tractors are welcome in the parade, come along and join in. Children are invited to join the parade with their bikes, tractors etc.
The fun day includes Athletics (organised by the Oisín McGrath Foundation), Swing Boats, Pet Farm, Scarecrow Competition, Dog Show, Poteen Making, Bouncy Castles, GAA Freekick Challenge and a whole lot more! The marquee will have music and bar all day. The day will conclude with great night of music from the very popular ‘Conor Owens’ in the marquee from 8.30pm.
Friday 16th August starts with the kid’s movie night at 7pm. Then you are all invited to a traditional music night, with a host of great musicians from Fermanagh, Cavan and Leitrim. It kicks off in the marquee at 9pm and all musicians and dancers are welcome to join in.
Saturday 17th is a fun-packed day starting with the party bees fun and games at 11am in the marquee. The children’s fishing competition is at 1pm also at the bridge.
On Saturday evening at 6.30pm the festival will host a Tractor Run & BBQ - vintage and modern tractors are all welcome. Meet at the community centre, then travelling via Holywell, Ballintempo Road & Lattone Road. Spectators are invited to view the spectacle along the route. A barbeque and music will follow in the cottage meadow from 7.30 – everyone welcome!
Saturday night at 9pm is the festival highlight as we host ‘Bingo Loco’. This was a major success last year, and coming back by popular demand! This event is the biggest live event in Ireland and it is very exciting to see it come back to Belcoo! A night of fun, music, games and great prizes is guaranteed, including a European Break for 2. Tickets are available online now through our festival Facebook page for link to book. There is limited capacity, so book early!!!
Sunday 18th events are always very popular. It starts off with a children’s treasure hunt around the Cottage meadow at noon, followed by Bingo is in the marquee at 3pm with a massive guaranteed jackpot of £1,000. This is followed by a Car Treasure hunt which is always great fun at 6pm.
The final day of the festival, Monday 19th, concludes with the duck race at the bridge @ 7.30pm (see local businesses for a chance to win). There will be an exhibition throughout the weeknd in the Oratory/St Sinnell’s.
Check out our Facebook page for more information - https://www.facebook.com/BelcooSports